Quit Smoking-Quickly.

My hypnosis to quit smoking program consists of three  one-hour sessions over a two to four-week period. The program has two main criteria. The first is to have you stop smoking, and the second being to prevent the re-occurrence of the habit at a point in the future. 

It should be noted that the majority of smokers will stop smoking after the first session. This should be the aim.  Some prefer to cut down for the three sessions and this can work well too, however, in my experience clients are more likely to quit smoking successfully if they aim to stop after the first session and not gradually over the three. This allows us to purely use the second and third sessions to reinforce your resolve and benefits to remain a non smoker. 

What happens in the first session? 

In the first session we’ll discuss and look at some of the personal factors that contribute to your smoking habit. Many people smoke for different reasons and understanding the basis for one’s own habit is generally critical in being able to successfully un-train that habit. This understanding is used to tailor and design a specific hypnotherapy program to suit the individual’s motivation and lifestyle. The two main pointers of this discussion will include both your desire and alternatives. 

Important Factors to Consider – Your Desire & Alternatives 

The most successful reasons that clients give for quitting smoking is that of the benefits of being healthy that arise when it happens on a permanent basis.  Unless these benefits aren’t the central reasons as to why you’re opting to quit, I probably won’t see you. I know what’s like to be a former smoker, life is much better on the other side.  

Life is much better smelling fresh and clean, breathing calmly, feeling reduced anxiety, not suffering from tension headaches, feeling energetic, more attractive and more powerful in your day to day life. 

Some clients have said to me in the past that the reason why they’re wanting to stop is because their partner is making them.  This isn’t a good enough reason.  You need to be the one making the decision, not your partner nor anyone else. It also needs to be more than simply saving money. 

Finding Alternatives – Unless we exchange the smoking addiction for some other healthier activity long term the rate of re-occurrence will normally be higher. How about completely changing your health in thirty days? Quitting smoking and making the commitment to take a brisk twenty minute walk every day as a method to reduce stress will help take you from one end of the health spectrum to the other, whilst also providing a useful and far more beneficial way of substituting the former habit.