Hypnotist AWA

Experience the transformative power of Hypnotistawa sessions from the comfort of your home with our online Telehealth services. Tune in wherever you are, and let us guide you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.🌐🏠

For those who prefer an in-person experience, we’ve got you covered too! Join us in Daylesford . Enjoy the serene environment as you engage in our immersive sessions. 🍃🏞️

 Hypnotistawa is here to support your wellness journey.🌟



Mobile : 0414 3833 14 

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Michael Pattinson is one of Melbourne’s leading Hypnotherapists – helping people like YOU feel better (anxiety/depression), lose weight or break habits or phobias

Say Hello To The Calming And Positive Effect Of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has become one of the most popular and accepted forms of medical treatment. Hence, it isn’t surprising to see more and more people choosing hypnotherapy Bendigo to tackle myriad health concerns, including anxiety, weight loss, fears and phobias, and sleep disorders and name a few.

If you are ready to experience the impact of a hypnotherapist near me, then look no further than Hypnotist AWA.

With more than 14 years of experience in practising hypnosis and hypnotherapy in a clinical setting, I, Michael Pattinson, know how to help individuals with complex needs.

From helping you feel better and stress-free from depression, anxiety and other mental health problems to assisting you break habits and phobias and everything in between, I can do it all.

You can even trust me as a go-to buddy for your weight loss journey.

Something deep within was calling me to explore hypnotherapy, even through my mind was saying BEWARE! Michael chatted with me prior to the appointment which helped me to feel safe. The session was held with safety and stability. I found was that it was actually easy to go to those places I had long been avoiding. Following the consultation I felt clear, open and aware. The anxiety I had been carrying around like a heavy sack of potatoes in my stomach lifted and I felt free. Michael’s guidance has helped me to see the infinite possibility of me. Much love and thanks Michael.

Emma Robinson

Nov 21, 2017

What happens if I can’t be hypnotised?

Here is why Hypnotherapy might be the right treatment for you –

1- Focus on the present

Compared to traditional talking therapy, hypnotherapy is intrinsically linked to the present tense. It focuses on the here and now. A certified hypnotherapist Ballarat can help you comprehend what is working and isn’t in your life, thereby helping your chance for good. 

2- Experience deep relaxation

The best thing about a hypnotherapy session is that it allows you to enter a deep state of relaxation, also known as a hypnotic trance. With a regular hypnotic trance, you are bound to live a less-stressful and more balanced life.

3- Feel motivated 

A certified hypnotherapist Ballarat will help you define clear paths to your objectives and goals. He/she can introduce healthy behaviour patterns and even aid motivation. 

4- Become successful 

With defined and achievable goals and objectives, you will feel motivated to put your best foot forward, thereby succeeding in your life. 

5- Reduce pain

Hypnotherapy is quite effective in tackling and reducing chronic pain symptoms. In fact, an expert will be able to provide you with support in how to see your pain.

What happens if the ‘hypnosis doesn’t work’?

Why choose Hypnotist AWA?

1- Experience 

It takes five years for someone to call themselves a professional in the field. I have been offering hypnotherapy treatment for over 12 years now.  
I know the ins and outs of hypnotherapy as well as have a knack for treating clients with care in a safe and secure environment.   

2- Qualification 

I completed my hypnosis studies at The Academy of Hypnotic Science – the only government-registered hypnotherapy training body in Victoria. I then proceeded to acquire Advance Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis with prominent Hypnotist Rick Collingwood.

I was even lucky enough to study under the world-renowned Psychologist Dr Gordon Emmerson.

3- Holistic treatment 

No matter what your requirement is through hypnotherapy, I ensure that you receive bespoke solutions. 

I will work closely with you to determine the root cause of your problem and then design a program that helps eliminate those issues so you can live a healthy and stress-free life. 

Do people see you for a small number of sessions only?

I see most clients for an average of 3 sessions. I do have clients that come to see me on a consistent basis as they simply like the meditative effects of hypnosis. However, it should be noted that if progress hasn’t been made in 4 sessions, hypnotherapy may not be the right modality for you.

Should everyone be hypnotised?

No. Not everyone should be hypnotised. If you are schizophrenic or you’re currently suffering from depression or have ever experienced any psychosis in the past, you will probably need a referral from your GP and psychiatrist for any hypnotherapy.

If there’s ever any doubt whether hypnosis is the right option, you must see your GP or qualified health professional before seeing me.

What is Hypnosis Exactly?

Book an appointment today!

If you are looking for alternatives to traditional talking therapy, then hypnotherapy Bendigo is the most viable option for you.

So, quit searching hypnotherapist near me  and book an appointment with Hypnotist AWA to lift your stress and feel free!

The first thing I noticed about Michael was that he was gentle and caring, and it gave me the feeling of having full confidence in his abilities to cure my drinking problem, we had three hypnotherapy sessions, after the second I didn't feel like a drink , after the third session I was not a drinker any longer, I started an exercise program and became fit and healthy, if you have any doubts about hypnotherapy, don't, because it works and Michael Pattinson, I believe, is one of the best at what he does, this was a life changing experience for me and I would not hesitate to recommend this program to even the greatest sceptic, you have a choice, keep your problems or have them cured, simple.

Liz Squires

Dec 22, 2017

Lose Weight Hypnosis

Lose Weight

Carrying excess weight is a key risk factor for many serious health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Maintaining a healthy body weight is critical for good health and contributes to a general sense of wellbeing.

Many people struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy body. The pace and stresses of everyday life make it hard to resist indulging. Motivation and self-esteem can be undermined by fad diets, failed exercise plans and the unrealistic body images commonly portrayed in the media.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you to identify and overcome the subconscious barriers and thought patterns underlying negative body image and food compulsions.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you maintain the motivation to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program and so achieve and maintain your target weight.

Alleviate Anxiety & Depression

Many people struggle with depression and/or anxiety, and with the negative impact of these conditions on relationships, overall health and well being, and coping with daily life.

A healthy diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep are all critical to managing anxiety and depression. However, depression makes it hard to maintain motivation for diet and exercise, and both depression and anxiety make it hard to relax into a sound sleep.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you to relax and work through the triggers, stressors and thought patterns underlying anxiety and depression.

By restoring the balance between the sympathetic (flight and fight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches of the autonomic nervous system, clinical hypnotherapy can help you to alleviate the symptoms of panic attacks, and to eat and sleep better.

Hypnotherapy can also help you learn relaxation techniques and maintain the motivation to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program—all critical to mental wellbeing.

“I had been looking for some way to calm down

and relieve the stress in my life. Through the

hypnotherapy sessions delivered by Michael,

I was bought to a state of peace and relaxation.” —Izabela Dobrostanski

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

The negative health risks of binge drinking and excessive alcohol consumption are well known and include: weight gain, diabetes, cancer, heart and liver diseases, peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders and high blood pressure. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is harmful to foetal development.

Problem drinking can also have negative lifestyle impacts, being a key factor in road accidents, relationship breakdowns, antisocial behaviour and family violence.

Alcohol abuse can become a vicious cycle—drinking to dull the pain of events brought about by problem drinking. Many people struggle to break the cycle and regain control of their lives. Physical cravings, social habits and the stresses of everyday life make it hard to resist indulging.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you to overcome the behavioural patterns and compulsions that contribute to problem drinking.

I was very sceptical but decided to give hypnotherapy a try to stop picking my nails. I was awkward going in and the process itself was a little strange. I left the session not feeling overly confident. However, that night I realised that even when I wanted to pick my nails to prove that it didn't work I couldn't. I went back a week later for a top up just to make sure that it stuck. It's now been over two months and my nails are still growing strong. Thank you, Michael.

Nick B

Dec 6, 2017

Make A Decision That You Will Never Regret

Ready to experience the life-changing benefits of the Healthy Lifestyle Coaching - Three Weeks Program? This program, led by Health Lifestyle Coach, Michael Pattinson, is designed to help you quickly achieve your health and wellness goals. Whether you want to quit smoking, become fitter, or overcome anxiety, the Three Weeks Program can help. With over 14 years of experience guiding individuals towards healthier and happier lives, Michael deeply understands the many challenges people face. As a trained psychotherapist, hypnotist, and remedial massage therapist, he can help you overcome internal conflicts, feelings of helplessness, and intense physical pain. The Three Weeks Program is not your typical coaching program. Michael's unique approach gets to the root of your issues and provides rapid and practical solutions. He also understands that mental and emotional challenges can hinder your progress. He tailors his approach to your unique struggles to help you find practical and straightforward ways to overcome them. Don't wait any longer to start living the life you deserve. Choose Michael Pattinson and the Healthy Lifestyle Coaching - Three Weeks Program to begin your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. With his vast experience, dedication, and expertise, Michael can guide you towards positive change and personal growth in just three weeks. Take action now and improve your life with the Healthy Lifestyle Coaching - Three Weeks Program.